The high energy diet for the multi-tasking, crazy-busy woman

The high energy diet for the multi-tasking, crazy-busy woman

A recent study has proven what you women have been telling us men forever…you’re better at multi-tasking than we are. I’d kinda guessed it a while back. The way my wife manages to carry and communicate with our one year old, prepare dinner and talk business on the phone, all at the same time, never ceases to amaze me. I can’t compete. If the phone and doorbell were both to ring at the same time, the caller would have hung up and the visitor would have left before I would have decided which to go for first.

But to keep that pace up from morning to night and beyond each day, it’s vital that your body gets the right fuel at the right time. So, to keep you crazy busy multi-tasking women all gassed up, here’s some diet tips:

Breakfast is the most important meal of your day, so don’t skip it. Breakfast sets up your body’s neuro-transmitters for the day, too, so what you eat is also important. Believe it or not, the perfect breakfast combines meat and nuts. Ground turkey or chicken fried in a little olive oil and then added to a handful of walnuts or almonds will keep you focused and energized well into the afternoon. The meat initiates a slow but steady rise in blood sugar, while the nuts maintain the stability of the burn for an extended period of time. Allergic to nuts? No problem, substitute them for fruits that have a low glycemic index such as apricots, blackberries, grapefruit, plums or strawberries. If the thought of frying up turkey or chicken at 6 am leaves you cold, then eggs are still a great alternative. Try poached instead of fried or scrambled—they’re quick to prepare and you don’t need to cook them in oil or butter.

Lunch is a breeze if you keep it raw. Broccoli, cucumber, carrot sticks and two teaspoons of humus (I love the roasted garlic one) makes a great lunch. And if you didn’t have eggs for breakfast, a hardboiled one (made ahead of time) will really ensure you feel satisfied.

Dinner should be light, so you can’t go wrong with fish…as long as its wild not farmed. Farmed fish such as salmon has no color. That lovely pink shade comes from artificial color that’s high in Omega 6 and reduces the Omega 3 content. Lean chicken, turkey or pork is great, too—served with plenty of dark, leafy greens.

Keep on snacking throughout the day, because if you’re on the go for 12 hours or more, three meals simply isn’t enough to keep your energy levels up. Ideally, you should be eating every two or three hours. A banana or serving of trail mix are the best snack options to keep you going until your next meal.

And remember to drink plenty of water. The more hydrated you are, the easier it is for your body to complete its complex tasks without slowing you down. Aim for six to eight 8oz glasses or three to four 500ml bottles per day.

Uh, oh—I gotta go. The phones ringing and there’s someone at the…

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